Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Progressivism And Progressivism - 1108 Words

In the early 1880’s a new movement began to rise, progressivism. Progressivism spread rapidly from the large cities that began to form across America, to the smaller towns that were beginning to go from agrarian paradises to more suburban landscape. These abrupt changes in society meant changes in social conduct, and norms must change with them. With factories on the rise many men were forced to work 12-16 hour shifts seven days a week with no benefits, breaks, or safety standards, progressivism was the driving force behind unions, public education, professionalism, skilled labor, government based services, and political and economic rights of the disadvantaged in America. The trade unions, better known as labor unions, got off to a rocky†¦show more content†¦The workers on strike attacked the mine guard’s camp later that week in retaliation. (Barkey) As Child Labor Laws came into effect in the early 1900’s many children were sent to public schools for the first time in their lives, as many schools were private up until then. (Brackemyre) These children had an opportunity many in their families did not, they learned â€Å"the three R’s, reading, writing, and arithmetic.† (Absten) This newfound education of the masses led to an uptick in professional careers, and skilled labor. This led to colleges being more widespread, and universities being easier to access for the average American. Working class families had the ability to send children to school instead of to hard labor jobs, and this meant longer life expectancies, as well as better quality of life. It set the stage for a new social age, the ability to live bet ter than your parents did before you, it gave a whole new meaning to the American Dream. This change in society showed as increasingly more children each generation chose less hard labor, and more professional jobs. This increase in professional work led to suburban areas outside of major cities popping up everywhere, these areas highlighted the lack of emergency services, law enforcement, and other government services. With many people living outside of the city where guards could break up trouble, but still in populated enough areas that trouble still found a way in, law enforcement became a necessity for manyShow MoreRelatedProgressivism Historiography Essay2107 Words   |  9 PagesAwesome Student Mrs. Aars CIS American History 15 March, 2013 My Take on the Progressives The common thought about progressivism before the 1950s were that it was a movement by the common people to curb the excessive power of powerful people such as urban bosses, corporate moguls, and corrupt officials. 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